I very much agree with this. Writers do not have to write every day. Of course if you take something seriously you attend to it diligently. It's just about her one of those somewhat tired (in my opinion) debates about what does or doesn't make a writer. The most crucial attribute for a writer in fact is the ability to touch type and owning a decent computer. Beyond that not much.

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So true. I think a big part of why I didn't want to stop was because of the notion that a writer is always writing and never stops!

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Just not true - a job even one that is vocational has time off. Of course writers are super dedicated people and have an unusual talent - but we're not slaves to it - or at least we shouldn't be.

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Hiatuses are part of the process! I took one while I was planning my wedding because I could not do that and write a book at the same time lol. You're exactly where you need to be right now :)

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Yes... I don't think I'd be able to handle writing a book + wedding planning either! My fear is that I won't ever want to finish my book, but for now, all I know is that it's time for a break. :)

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Well done you!

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Jul 23Liked by Claire Tak

This resonates so much. My struggle is with unemployment. I have to be busy looking for jobs, applying to jobs, taking certification courses, writing on my blog, or doing side work, OR I FEEL LIKE A FAILURE. Take a moment to spend time with family or do something <gasp> fun? Failure! I feel busier when I don't have a job than when I do. Good for you for allowing yourself to breathe.

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Nick, I'm sorry you're still struggling with unemployment. That so sucks and it is something I can sooo relate to. I agree, it's busier not having a job because of the added pressure and how hard you're being hard on yourself. Even though things are tough, I hope you're at least getting to do some fun stuff. Honestly, I feel like you have to train yourself to be able to enjoy the moments of fun (and to be kinder to yourself) when you're "supposed to be doing something else." :)

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SO well put, Nick. Entrepreneurship/writerpreneurship can feel a teensy bit like self-inflicted unemployment and I'm having to learn to let "it" be enough. It = doing what I planned for a successful enough day, and scheduling in things employed people do: vacation days, watching shows, etc. I totally appreciate that you probably didn't choose this chapter, and hope you can give yourself some breathing room in all you're doing!

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I appreciate you sharing this! I have also paused writing my second book, Dear Fellow Dreamer, because of similar reasons and to learn similar things. One of the biggest things I'm learning is that sometimes it's just not the right time to write something, and you have to LIVE to fill in the holes or to connect the dots. It's like a writerly, creative trust fall. I still write (here) but I have also taken up pickleball and where that is taking me creatively and with business is super interesting. I've done what you have by trying to force myself to write the words, but I think I am finally learning like you to pay attention to signs and signals. Being a writer is such a different way to make a living than anything else I've done for a living!!

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Yesss, totally. Not sure if you follow Amanda Hinton's Substack, but she writes regularly about seasons to write, which I never really did or thought about, until now. Timing is important, and not forcing it (for me at least), is a big part of it. Pickleball is great! I've been taking long walks at 6 am with my dog and listening to podcasts and it's seriously the highlight of my day. Cheers to pausing on your second book. :)

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I don't but appreciate the recommendation! Seasons to write....I like that verbiage and I agree. Even within a day there seem to be seasons and I'm figuring out mine. I'm a walker too, by the way, even without the dog :-)

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"I’m taking a hiatus but feeling good about it because I see it as a part of the book-writing process that will one day get me to the finish line." This feels so true and I can feel your exhale. Thank you for sharing and being open about your process! <3

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Thank you for sharing this piece! These are things I need to constantly remind myself of because when I’ve stopped writing in the past, the “stopping” lasted months, and years and that scares me. But breaks are necessary and important.

Btw, who was the author from the podcast and what was the memoir?

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Thank you for reading and commenting! I am a firm believer in breaks, long or short. Honestly, I listen to so many podcasts I was wracking my brain trying to recall it and then I just gave up. If I remember it I will let you know!

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