Today I'm sharing what I learned in a book that covers concepts like plate sizes and pennies to help you avoid burnout (and recognize when you're about to get there).
Love this, Claire! Similarly, I think of life as an overflowing buffet and there's only so much you can fit on the plate before the different foods start to flow together and taste indistinguishable.
I'd also be curious of your thoughts on Barbara Oakley's work. Last year I figured out that I have an above-average long-term memory but low working memory; meaning I can't cram for an exam the night before but can retain and retrieve random facts about a person I've only met and conversed with a few times. It's helped me realize I am *not* defective for not being able to handle a Cheesecake Factory sized plate, and figure out which productivity systems work best for my individual needs.
Thanks Sophia. Wow that's really interesting how you discovered that about yourself. I'm always looking for ways to better understand myself so I can be as productive as possible... or maybe I should say EFFICIENT as possible. I have not heard of Barbara Oakley, but I shall check her out!
Thinking uses pennies!!!! Omg. Yes. Even when I’m not “working” a subbing job (in my kids school) I’m thinking about how I should pick up a shift, or I’m feeling guilty because I haven’t “worked” in a few weeks. But the reality is that my plate is completely full and my pennies are spent. I think I need to release the mental load I’m carrying.
Right? We don't realize we're using up pennies just from thinking or stressing out about stuff. I remember talking to an older friend of mine who was in his mid-50s and used to be a tech exec. I told him about my writing projects writing at work, and he said something I'll never forget. He said, "Your work sounds interesting, but kind of hard. For me, I'm trying to figure out how to NOT use my brain like that anymore." 😆 At the time I thought, why would you not want to use your brain...? But now I GET IT. I totally and completely get it.
Thank you. Beautifully written. I absolutely needed this today. And, I still hope we can work together soon, as long as that doesn’t overflow your plate!).
I was thinking about you this week and am still excited for us to work together. Don't worry, I am already thinking about what to remove so I can add you to my plate. :) See you this Sunday! :D
Love this, Claire! Similarly, I think of life as an overflowing buffet and there's only so much you can fit on the plate before the different foods start to flow together and taste indistinguishable.
I'd also be curious of your thoughts on Barbara Oakley's work. Last year I figured out that I have an above-average long-term memory but low working memory; meaning I can't cram for an exam the night before but can retain and retrieve random facts about a person I've only met and conversed with a few times. It's helped me realize I am *not* defective for not being able to handle a Cheesecake Factory sized plate, and figure out which productivity systems work best for my individual needs.
Thanks Sophia. Wow that's really interesting how you discovered that about yourself. I'm always looking for ways to better understand myself so I can be as productive as possible... or maybe I should say EFFICIENT as possible. I have not heard of Barbara Oakley, but I shall check her out!
Thinking uses pennies!!!! Omg. Yes. Even when I’m not “working” a subbing job (in my kids school) I’m thinking about how I should pick up a shift, or I’m feeling guilty because I haven’t “worked” in a few weeks. But the reality is that my plate is completely full and my pennies are spent. I think I need to release the mental load I’m carrying.
Also, mental/digital clutter 😫😱🫣
Right? We don't realize we're using up pennies just from thinking or stressing out about stuff. I remember talking to an older friend of mine who was in his mid-50s and used to be a tech exec. I told him about my writing projects writing at work, and he said something I'll never forget. He said, "Your work sounds interesting, but kind of hard. For me, I'm trying to figure out how to NOT use my brain like that anymore." 😆 At the time I thought, why would you not want to use your brain...? But now I GET IT. I totally and completely get it.
Thank you. Beautifully written. I absolutely needed this today. And, I still hope we can work together soon, as long as that doesn’t overflow your plate!).
I was thinking about you this week and am still excited for us to work together. Don't worry, I am already thinking about what to remove so I can add you to my plate. :) See you this Sunday! :D