The whole idea of listening as you described it here is fascinating. So true. Claire, you kick ass!

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Thanks Andrea! Congrats on your CNN piece! You're on a roll...

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Thank you, I'm looking into First Draft right now based on your experience. I have done a few sessions at a group that you described that is silent, but we are all writing together. That is helpful for accountability and getting my butt at the writing desk - however I feel a pull to something more, like you voiced here.

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First Draft is awesome. So is Second Draft. Silent and writing together is great for motivation, but First and Second Draft classes are more interactive, so there's more opportunities to learn from your peers. I've learned sooo much from both classes. I've since stopped taking them b/c I want more of an in-person experience, so I've signed up for writing stuff with Lighthouse Writers. LMK how it goes with First Draft and tell Andrea/Allison I said hi! :)

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I just really love reading about how much writing in the company of others and having your writing heard has made an impact. It makes me think about this theory that Elizabeth Gilbert has about how stories have souls. Have you heard of this?

In “Big Magic” she goes into detail about how she had a story she was researching and life made it damn near impossible for her to give it the time/attention it needed. And some period of time later she met up with the author Anne Rice for the first time (they were not friends or connected in any way) and Anne told her about this book she was writing. And, down to remarkable detail, it was the book Liz had been writing but had to put aside.

I’ve never forgotten this and I watch somewhat skeptically but hopefully to see if/when a “book soul” comes my way. How does this relate to your piece? Well, Sister Sue.* In 2018 I started a remote writing club where we wrote together in silence, but due to some personal loss, I had to let it go. Then in 2021 also hosted “The Listening Room” where writers showed up in a zoom room and practiced reading their work aloud and received feedback. Every now and then I touch in with the feeling and effect that we writers had in these settings, and I try asking the universe if I need to create this space again. Instinctually I feel heavy and tired and feel a “no.” And your piece today about First Draft and Second Draft helps bring this question to full closure. I love love love what they’re doing and just in your description can feel the energy and forward motion coming through their work.

Anyways. I’m glad you shared this. It made a lot of connections for me this morning. And it’s making me feel even less skeptical about the “souls” of work that are meant to enter the world. 🫶

*Sister Sue is an affectionate term used in Texas when you’re relating to someone. 🧡

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Hey Amanda, thanks so much for your thoughts. YES, I did read Big Magic and loved it. I don't remember everything in the book though, so maybe I'll revisit it. Besides sitting down to write and do the hard stuff (like setting a routine, etc.) - I think the second most impactful thing I've done is to find my community of writers. My most consistent one is through First and Second Draft, and online classes. I have a writing partner who lives in Australia and we connect every few weeks to read chapters or just ask each other how we're doing. It's been so powerful and I can't imagine writing without having other people to write with and share and talk to. :)

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Thank you for this Claire! I’ve been thinking about joining second draft so I really appreciate your side by side comparison. I am going to join second draft! See you in first draft, Janet

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You're so welcome Janet! I'm glad you found it useful. I love the "lightness" of First Draft... you come in, you write, you listen, and it's shorter. Second Draft is definitely more intense. The essays are more thought-out and the feedback more in-depth. But that's exactly why I've been learning that much more in Second Draft. :)

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This was interesting, Claire. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for reading, June! I appreciate it. :)

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Hey...this is Allison, mentioned above. I just wanted to thank you, Claire, for expertly expressing what Andrea and I hope for more than anything. We LOVE knowing how our classes, feedback, community impacts those in our group. And we love writing with everyone so much...it's what we love more than anything: sharing stories and growing as writers. Thank you so much for bragging us up!!!!

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Thanks Allison! I am really enjoying WCR's groups. Being a part of them has fulfilled (and exceeded) my expectations for what I would learn and my connection with an awesome writing community. You and Andrea are killing it with the podcast and these groups. Thank you for everything you guys do. :)

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