Thanks! I find your desire to learn beautiful and refreshing because I’ve read memoirs that are not like a story or memoir, but more like one long vent. To use memoir as an art form is fun!

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Thank you for sharing great resources!

I’ve written one memoir and am getting a second one nearly written. I did not pay for any classes, but I studied everything written by K.M. Wyland.

She teaches writing for free at Helping Writers Become Authors. I’ve got her books too. The thing I’ve benefitted the most from is her podcast or rather the audio of her blogs.

While she teaches how to write novels, much of the elements of story are similar and can be modified for memoir. I believe she has an online community too. I just prefer to work alone until I’m ready to share with my beta readers.

I hope this is helpful. If not just remove it.

I look forward to reading your memoir.

Happy writing!

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Thanks for your comment! And I love KM Weiland. I agree, her stuff totally translates to nonfiction memoir writing. I am very familiar with her podcast and subscribe to her newsletter.

Congrats on your working on second memoir! 🥳

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