Wishing your mom a speedy recovery, and here to talk if you need it/have time to take a breather—caregiver burnout is a real thing.

As for how people do it with jobs and kids...that's an essay for another day 😅

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Thanks Sophia. I’d call myself more of a “lite version” of a care giver. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in my moms shoes… she is/was my dads full time caregiver. It’s how she broke her hip. Yeah… the sandwich generation, idk how they do it! 🥺

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I don't know your mom personally, but would imagine it's the embodiment of what two people promise each other in marriage—in sickness and in health. (And she's probably annoyed with herself for needing to ask you for help 😉)

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May 12·edited May 12Author

Oh Sophia, I could’ve written an entire post about my parents unhealthy reliance on each other. I told my mom that I really hope she starts to take care of herself… put on her own oxygen mask first, u know? :) and yes, she hates asking me for help. 😔

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Wishing your mom the best as she recovers! It's so hard to ask for help, so cut yourself some major slack! We can only do so much <3

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Thanks Alyssa! You’re right. We’re only human. The thing that threw me was not being prepared for how hard it is to ask for help!

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